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19 September 2015

Over to you, Big G: The world's only solution to terror

I got into conversation with a couple of uninvited callers the other day…about the end of the world.
Yes, they were Jehovah's Witnesses and no, I didn't send them packing. Although I am not a Christian, I have never been one of those ‘We are not interested – clear off’ types.
Indeed, I have the greatest admiration for these invariably humble, gentle people, whose courage is remarkable in the face of  unnecessary antagonism from so many people who resent their intrusion.
It’s all very well to turn them away politely but firmly, but verbal aggression and rudeness is totally out of order.
I’d also like to clear up one or two misconceptions about Jehovah’s Witnesses. First of all, they are neither crazy nor any more deluded than followers of any other religious order. Indeed, to me their message rings truer than most.
The mess that mankind has got the world into needs sorting urgently, and no-one on Earth seems capable of resolving the conflict with the crazed extremists who use Muslim fundamentalism as a licence to terrorise the West. How ironic that our very existence is in danger of being wiped out by deluded lunatics in the name of religion. Deluded lunatics who form part of the only life form capable of premeditated evil.
So who better to handle it than the Great Redeemer...Big G himself? And the sooner the better.
I would never have the courage or dedication to become a Jehovah Witness. But I do wish I could truly BELIEVE because the certainty of redemption immediately takes all the fear out of dying
‘‘I bet you get a lot more abuse than friendliness when you knock on doors,’’ I said to my visitors. ‘‘You are so brave to carry on despite all the resentment.’’
‘‘The strength to go on doesn’t come from us but from Jehovah,’’ they replied.
I come from Jewish roots, but as a lifelong agnostic, I have spent my entire life wondering what existence is all about.
There has to be more to it than eating, drinking and making a nuisance of ourselves.
Jehovah Witness literature often portrays their idea of the Paradise awaiting believers.
We see images of Mum, Dad and smiling kids strolling and playing in a sunny Garden of Eden, their pets – including lions and tigers – sitting obediently at their feet.

My personal consolation is that I am already living in that Paradise here on Earth. Every day is a holiday as I sit in my sunny garden here on the Costa Blanca, full of glorious floral colour, with one purring moggy on my lap and another at my side.
In this life, that’s as good as it gets. Please God I've got more of it to come in the next world without the threat of terror. - or the scourge of Parkinson's Disease, angina and chronic arthritis.
Yes, I've got a life to die for. As for the future happiness of my children and grandchildren, over to you, BIg G.