IT’S exactly one year since my sixth grandchild came into this world – and went perilously close to leaving it at the same time.
Buddy John Harry Holmes was born by Caesarian section, three months early and just 28 weeks into my daughter Hayley’s pregnancy.
He had no heartbeat, wasn’t breathing and weighed less than one kilo.
For the next few days, it was touch and go whether our Buddy would survive.

For the answer, look at the picture above, taken at his first birthday party in Burscough, Lanc-ashire.
Apart from his model looks (I would say that, wouldn’t I?), our Buddy is as good as gold. He rarely cries, sleeps virtually to order - and always has a beaming smile.
Hardly the frail, emaciated, under-weight specimen you'd expect of a pitiful child who was born half-dead.
No, my Buddy miracle is just Buddy gorgeous!